Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fucking co-workers

Really, I'd love to know how some people have the mental capacity to keep breathing! How fucking stupid can you get? I'm quality checking a little stack of copies about 300 pages thick. I should have been done already. I'm about a quarter of the way through it. If there is anything you can do wrong while making a damn photocopy, this person did it. How can you not notice that you just sent 5 pages stapled together through the document feeder? Or that your copies are so light that you can't read them? Or how could you not know that you should take the post-it notes off the paper before you copy it? Maybe it would be a good idea to copy it on a different page? Maybe the client might actually want or even need to see the text the post it note is covering? Or really, best of all, WHY WOULD YOU STAPLE A SINGLE SHEET? What are you stapling it too? Maybe an invisible sheet of paper? I guess I had best remember to bring my fucking invisible glasses to work tomorrow, hadn't I? That way I'll be able to see that it's more than just one bloody page with a staple in it!
Oh, and Asshole, no I don't want to train New Girl, especially with this particularly irritating bit of miserable shit I'm working on! If I wanted to train people, I would have stayed in my management position at fucking Kinko's, you retard. One of the (many) reasons I took this job is because I am not a good teacher, & I hate trying to train people. That's why you're the supervisor, you hapless bastard.

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