I thought it would be nice to do a post in honor of the most indispensable of beverages, coffee.
The inspiration for this post came to me at about 7:30 on Friday morning. This is right about the time that I realized that I had worked 19 & 1/2 hours out of the past 24.
This little story doesn't even start with coffee, or with any intention on my part of getting to have any. It starts with a normal work day on Thursday. (With a normal night's sleep before. By which I mean, about 5 & 1/2 hours.) Then, in the afternoon, we got a lot of work. A hell of a lot of work in fact. And all of it the clients needed back first thing in the morning. And since we have such a small staff, there was no way that we would be able to get it done with normal working hours. So I worked my normal shift (until 4:30), went to my class at the Y, ate some dinner, and was back at work by 9pm, intending on staying the whole night. My entire normal shift on Friday even, if it was necessary.
This is where the coffee comes in. There is no way that I would have been able to pull an all-nighter at work with out it.
I actually brought in my own coffee even. The coffee they have there is pretty much total crap.
It wasn't just any coffee that I brought in. It was
And I was very happy to know that all the work was done, and shortly I would be able to go home and sleep.
Hopefully it's not something I'll have to do again anytime soon! I'm perfectly okay with staying up all night, but I want it to be on my own terms. Staying up all night for work is much less fun!
Thanks for always being there for me coffee! I love you!
Yes, I totally agree with coffee being wonderful. And I like your cute cartoons. Though sometimes I wonder if coffee and caffeine aren't just some schemes thought up by the powers-that-be in the world to make normal civilians work harder and longer.
Yay, thank you for the lovely comment! I set it to approve comments because I was getting comment spam, that's all. I actually was inclined to allow the other one too, until you mentioned the HMI! *blushes* Even still, although I couldn't bring myself to approve it, I couldn't bring myself to delete it either. Maybe I;ll save it for a few months, then approve it once this post is good and buried under a bunch of other stuff!
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