Here's the story:
"The U.S. Air Force is taking a lot of ribbing because of photos showing one of their hangers filling with fire suppressing foam. The pictures were from a test of the foam system conducted on August 23rd, 2005. The new foam system had just been installed, and had to be tested. The system had to be able to put down one meter (39 inches) of foam in four minutes or less. To that end, the system was allowed to generate foam for the full four minutes. It turned out that the system worked better than expected, practically filling the B-1B bomber with foam within four minutes. For the people working in the hangar, this was a good thing. A major accident could fill most of the hanger with smoke and flames within minutes. Knowing the foam system could outrun any fire or explosion, and save the lives of the people working in, or near, the hangar, was reassuring. But, let's face it, it was also funny as hell."
Now that we've got that out of the way, wouldn't it be great to get to run around in an airplane hanger full of foam? Really, it would rock...
It starts...
And then it really gets going...
Note that he's climbing up to the second story there -
Okay, maybe not quite this much foam, but I still wanna play in it...
As you read the note on it, recall that these are bombers they're talking about.
Not even the tarmac was spared. For scale, note the person standing next to a truck on the far left.
Okay duckies, I know you're out there, and I know that you're reading this, so comment away! What do you think, do you want to play in a hanger full of foam? Maybe if we get enough of us together, we can rent one or something...
This is the U.S. AirFoam!
Can we play marbles in THAT?!?
Burning sux, I'm so glad I can asphyxiate instead!
I want just enough to go play in. *smiles* Maybe 3 or 4 feet worth, at most.
That looks like too much fun !!
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