Monday, June 05, 2006

Where the jobs are in Central Vermont? or Why I don't live in VT

Where the jobs are in Central Vermont
Or perhaps, where the jobs aren't in Central Vermont.

Montpelier is the municipality that hosts the largest number of jobs in Central Vermont, but Berlin can make a case for "region's largest employment" community.
Berlin has ousted Barre City as the municipality with the second most jobs, and its ratio of jobs to residents far exceeds Montpelier's.
Overall, Central Vermont has a job for every two residents. Berlin has 3.6 jobs for every two residents, or 3.6 times the regional average. Montpelier has 2.2 jobs for every two residents, and is the only other municipality with more jobs than residents.
Northfield and Barre Town each have just over 1,800 jobs, but both are well below the regional average of jobs to residents.

As a side note, there are 1,800 jobs in Northfield, but 5,756 residents. Even once you factor in children and retired residents, you still get more residents than available jobs.

This is why I am not going to be moving back home anytime soon, despite the fact that I miss Vermont terribly.I'm so homesick for the mountains, the fresh air, the little ice cold streams, the fresh air, the people, being able to see the stars, and so many other things. Someday...

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